When I have fears that I may cease to be
Ere I can write out all that's in my brain,
And print it up in books (don't spare that tree)
Like barns stuffed with a full year's crop of grain;
When I look up and see on night's starr'd face
Strange signs not known to me, fate's song-and-dance,
And think I shan't live so long as to trace
Their shapes and forms in words--no, not a chance;
And when I fear, sweet rose bud of an hour,
My luck won't stretch to look on thee once more,
Nor taste, nor drink my fill of that fey power
That's love that counts not cost;--then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand, just me, and think
Till love and fame to dust and ash do sink.
-- John Keats
(done by T.N.H.)