Larry's Pretty Good Web Log

Not my blog, but a now-defunct running log of links I had added to my pretty good pages. As such, there was not much ephemera but more stuff I wanted to return to.

= permalink

RSS syndication


18 Oct 11 · Woofs. Well, if you couldn't tell by 4 1/2 years of no updates, this feature is dead. Not the website, and I have even (if less regularly or comprehensively) been updating that. But the update log, both in HTML and RSS versions -- it's time to admit those are D-E-A-D. The former kept me honest, in its day, and the latter was a useful experiement, but I'm on to other things. So this will be the last entry -- feel free to unsubscribe and replace the feedslot with ZooBorns.

23 Apr 07 · · In celebration of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, here's the complete text of "The Myrmidons." (added to shameless self-promotion)

22 Apr 07 · · Lio! (added to fluff)

4 Mar 07 · · Nifty pictures of all sorts of stuff from Dark Roasted Blend. Where does he find the time for all this? (added to fluff)

13 Jan 07 · · Nifty words from the Wordcraft Dictionary. (added to fluff)

8 Jan 07 · · Yet another generator of an alternative to lorem ipsum. (added to fluff)

4 Jan 07 · · I've a new congresscritter as of today, and she has a new website. (added to politics)

2 Jan 07 · · Fiction and poetry market listings from Duotrope. (added to fluff)

1 Jan 07 · · Start off the new year with a bracing collection of mathematics utilities. (added to science)

Archives: 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, pre-log